Sunday, January 21, 2007

Yeah!!!!! Snow!!!!!

Well, we finally got some snow here! It was enough to make driving home from church a little scary - but not too bad. No church tonight, so we all just hung out at home and watched the football game on TV.

The call came about 9:00 to cancel school tomorrow! Yeah! Now I can clean! Yeah - I think!

But see, I think I got that ticket yesterday for a reason - God was arranging things so we wouldn't take that thing to church in West Virginia and end up in an accident. Who knows? I just know He takes good care of us!

Good sermon at church today - I'll post some notes later.

I wonder why I think I can write in fragments in this blog. Oh well.


Shelina said...

Must be nice to know when school is going to be closed. We have to wake up early in the morning and listen to the long list of school closings and delays from several counties, or get on the computer. Our schools are open, so have fun cleaning while we're busy slaving away! Have some fun in the snow!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I found you through Shelina's blog. Have fun in your snow, we ended up with nothing here in NC, too warm for yesterday's ice to hang around for very long. My daughter was hoping for no school today, and she's the teacher!