Sunday, February 18, 2007

So, it was Shelina who got me into this blogging thing and she's always showing her works in progress and her finished stuff (I love the Valentine quilt.)

Well, I liked the pretty colors on these quilting sites I've seen - BUT - I'm not a quilter. I crochet. So I went out and bought pretty yarn. Thanks for enticing me to spend money, people!

I wish I knew better how to line up the pictures in the blogs, but I will put some pictures in to show what I bought yesterday. (P.S. I learned how - more or less.)

I bought this LionBrand homespun yarn, a beautiful aqua and a purpley/maroon color. I'm going to make a couple of scarves out of it, I think. Pictured are the skeins of yarn and one scarf in progress.

The other yarn is a fun one I bought. I didn't know why I bought it, I just did. (There's the label now - it is Fancy Fur by Lion Brand.) Any way, I started playing with it and a big crochet hook (naw - I don't know what size - it's big, okay?) Well, it wanted to be a scarf too, so I made it and I love it! I'm going to give it to one of the teenagers at church who has been helping me interpret some songs on Sunday mornings.

And so, since I had the camera, a picture of Morris. He's a fun cat.


Melzie said...

Oh yay I love putting faces with names :) Very pretty yarn. Your kitty looks like my Pippin, he ran away just over a year ago. xoxo melzie

Shelina said...

Awww, your scarves are both pretty. Very nice photos to colorize your blog. Didn't need the cat picture though!

When are we going to see a picture of your leaf quilt?

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Could Melzie's cat be living at your house? Just a thought...
Pretty knitting/crocheting yarns!

Carol said...

We've had Morris for quite a while now. Maybe two years? He was a stray in West Virginia...