Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sunday Evening Thoughts

Hello there, blogger friends!

My lesson plans are finished and ALMOST all of my grading. Unfortunately, it meant me missing church tonight. I've just got to get my act together. But I'm glad I'm almost finished and I can sit here and make a post without feeling too guilty.

The boys are playing on the laptop and R is watching the big game. So it's relatively quiet.

A picture to share: J had his concert at school on Friday and did a good job. He is sounding more and more like he knows what he is doing. I think he's going to stick with the saxaphone for next year as well. He is very musical.

Alright, I need to go finish my work.


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Thanks for sharing, too bad the blog photo is accompanied by sax music!

Shelina said...

Bloglines wasn't updating your posts - so I was coming to laugh that as soon as you promised you were going to write everyday, you went AWOL. But you didn't!
J. is so adorable with the sax.