Thursday, August 23, 2007


Today our staff went out for lunch together at a local buffet. On our way out the door, there were two young ladies walking out ahead of us. By the way one was walking, I thought she looked familiar. It was a girl I had taught the first year I moved to Virginia.

Ever try to reminisce with a non-verbal person? It was interesting, but great to see her. The young lady who was with her shared some of how my former student was doing and then we parted ways.

It has been 12 years since I met this young lady. Where has the time gone? She didn't seem to remember me - but who knows what went on inside her head?

It makes me wonder - what kind of impact have I had on my students, on the people around me? I'm getting ready to begin the school year next Wednesday. I pray that this year I can impact the students I come in contact with - that they will see they have value and can achieve the goals they set before them.

And I pray that my young friend is finding fulfillment in what she is doing.


Shelina said...

Carol, I am sure that you have a strong positive impact on everyone that you encounter, especially your students. I hope you have a wonderful new school year.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Good luck this year. I am praying especially this week for teachers, instructors and administrators in our schools. You may never know the impact you have on a single student, but if you stop to think of the ripple effect that can occur from each mind and heart that you've touched you will realize what a powerful calling you have answered. Thank you!