Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Stuff

So, the busyness of getting ready for school has started and I haven't stopped by here in a while.

The book I'm contemplating will be entitled "ABC - Amazing Bible Characters." What I'm planning to do is write about characters, both "good" and "bad", that begin with each letter. I will be writing about the lessons we can learn from each one. My prayer is that I might use these lessons in a new endeavor at church that I'm still waiting to see if it's indeed meant to be. I have an outline for the book and I intend to get working on it after school starts on Wednesday. I really should do a timeline...

Another endeavor I've been trying is eating more in accordance with what God wants me to do. In other words, my body is suffering for eating MY way for many years. I'm trying now to take better care of what God has given me. In short, it means I'm trying to eat with INTENTION, instead of mindless eating - which I have been so good at. I'm not even necessarily worried about weight: I want to be healthier so I can do the things I want to do. Eating Intentionally - that's the goal.

Let's see - graduation from Marine boot camp is coming up soon. Sept. 12 is the date and we are taking a four day weekend to enjoy the event and visiting with Dale. Dale will come home with us for 10 days of leave. Then it's off to more combat training. It will be good to see him. I've missed him.

1 comment:

Shelina said...

They sound like good plans to me!