Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Poison Ivy

Yes, it's true. I've gotten poison ivy for the third time in my life. I just don't think to look for it when we go geocaching. Let's face it - my eyes are looking for the prize, not the "leaves of three, leave them be."

Oh well. I'm putting stuff on it and I'm sure it will go away soon - I hope...

Got a letter from the Marine Recruit today. He is about half-way through training and we will be going down September 12th for graduation. The drill instructors are tough, he says, but he's holding it together.

Tomorrow evening, we are going to the drive-in and then Josh's friend is coming to spend the night. I should get to bed so I'll be well-rested...

1 comment:

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Scratch, scratch... no fun! I think you're spending too much time in the woods ;)