Saturday, July 14, 2007

Solo Geocaching Excursion

Well, after yesterday, I decided I wanted to go out and do something fun. So geocaching it was. I made my list of 9 caches I wanted to go and find. And off I went.

Now, if you don't know about geocaching, you can go to the website and read about it. But I thought I'd list some benefits of geocaching here:

- free sweat, no membership fee required!
- wild raspberries, all you care to eat!
- strange looks as you crawl under the bench
- learning about small towns and seeing places you've never seen before

- ticks (I only found one little fellow this time)
- poison ivy (made sure I wiped off with hand sanitizer this time. The rash that is mostly on my left arm is healing up now)
- gas (no, not from lunch)
- getting lost (okay, I only had to wander five minutes to find my way out of the woods)

Usually, geocaching is a family affair for us, but this was a solo day for me. I found three out of the nine I looked for - it would have been more if I had more eyes with me. But it was fun to get out and enjoy the weather. Boy, was it hot! But I got my exercise!

My shoulder is feeling fine today from the accident. I guess I will get in touch with the claims adjuster on Monday to see what they're going to do about the van. We just had liability insurance, but the other guy should pay for our van.

J is camping again tonight with the scouts and it's kind of quiet here. My mother in law has already washed the dishes, so I think I'll watch some TV.

I might be singing with the praise team in church tomorrow. I love to sing. We are going to teach the congregation how to sign one of the praise songs, so that when our deaf couple come back from vacation next week, they will see the entire church signing with them on one song. How cool is that?

Hope you all have a great evening!

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